DATES : 15-17 November 2024

VENUE : Golden Jubilee Hall, Panjab University,Chandigarh, India



Abstract Submission Details

Our 7th Conference seeks contributions from researchers active in and around the main conference theme of ‘Global Health: Emerging Trends and Future Challenges’. Within this broad theme, we are looking for research papers on applied and theoretical perspectives aligned with our core theme.

The areas we are particularly interested include:

          Nuclear Medicine


          Life Sciences

          Medical and Translational Research

          Statistical/Mathematical Modeling in Medical Sciences

          Technology impacts in Medical/Biological Sciences

          Hippocratic Medicine

We encourage the participants to submit a brief outline / abstract of their proposed contribution (guidelines below) . This is an excellent opportunity for all researchers, faculty members and students, particularly for early career academics and practitioners, to gain profile and prominence in an internationally celebrated within a rapidly growing and inclusive research community. All contributions will be peer reviewed and considered on merit for inclusion in the conference programme.

Abstract up to 400 words followed by 4-6 keywords outlining the research concept, focus, process and any anticipated (or actual) outcomes to be submitted in MS-Word format.

Registration opens on March 15, 2024 with a final deadline for submission of Abstracts on August 15, 2024. Early submission is encouraged!

Following scrutiny of Abstracts by the Conference Committee, the Abstract booklet will be published. Contributors will be informed to follow the next step to complete full conference registration and participation. Plagiarism checker report is a comprehensive analysis of a document that identifies instances of plagiarism or unoriginal content. The report must be attached along with the abstract and submitted to the following link:


Review process: All abstracts will be evaluated through Blind Review Process Committee constituted by experts from Institutions, Universities and Organizations.

Plagiarism Alert and Disclaimer: Contributors are advised to strictly follow the Academic Ethics with respect to acknowledgement of the original idea borrowed from others. The conference team and editors will not be held responsible for any such lapse of the contributors regarding plagiarism. All accepted papers will be presented in plenary in order to stimulate inter- disciplinary debate and Certificate will be issued.